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Mejores Preguntas.
Mejor Servicio.
Mejores Resultados.

La nutrición porcina debe ser tan única como una huella dactilar: no hay otra igual. Sus dietas deben ser exclusivas para usted y estar adaptadas a sus objetivos, no las mismas que las de sus vecinos de la calle.

Permítanos mostrarle la diferencia de los servicios nutricionales de Ralco. Reúnase con un nutricionista de Ralco para una revisión confidencial de su operación y sus dietas.

Nutritional Service Self-Assessment

At Ralco we believe that asking better questions leads to better nutritional services and better results for our customers. Do you feel underserved by your nutrition program? Take the assessment to see if your nutrition is working for you.

  1. Are you satisfied with how regularly your swine nutritionist updates your diets?

  2. Are your diets built specific to your operation?

  3. Are your diets specific to your genetics?

  4. Are your diets updated based on close-out performance or in barn performance? Do you have regular meetings with your nutritionist?

  5. Has your nutrition company helped you with health challenges in your barn?

  6. Is your nutrition program aligned with your market opportunities?

  7. Are you sharing your closeouts with your nutrition company?

If these questions make you feel underserved, let us show you how we can help improve your operation. Good nutritional service is necessary - but doesn’t have to come with an extra charge.


Meet the Ralco Swine Team

It’s hard to feed pigs sitting behind a desk. Ralco’s swine team is built on the belief of spending time in the barns, getting to know the operation and working with producers to ensure that the solutions provided are properly implemented.

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Dr. Russell Fent

Director of Swine Technical Group 17 years serving customers


Shelly Tiede, MS

Senior Swine Nutritionist
14 years serving customers

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Dr. Jim Hedges

Senior Technical Advisor 47 years serving customers


Dr. Kelly Peper

Swine Nutritionist
7 years serving customers

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Dr. Kevin Touchette

Senior Swine Nutritionist 23 years serving customers

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Dr. Dennis Liptrap

53 years serving customers

Customers Rate Ralco #1 in Service

Independent third-party research found Ralco rated:

#1 in Producer Satisfaction

#1 in Service Reps in the Industry


5 Questions Your Swine Nutritionist Should be Asking You

Here are 5 questions Ralco nutritionists say your swine nutritionist should be asking you regularly to ensure your diets are making you money and working for your operation. (Click to expand)​

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  • How do you get your money?
  • What challenges are you facing?
  • What genetics are you feeding?
  • What are your mill capabilities?
  • Are you doing your part?

Turning Questions Into Answers

“Swine nutritionists I’ve worked with in the past sat behind a desk and were very hard to access. With Ralco nutritionists, they call me back, educate me and work with me. They’re on my farm and a part of my team.”

—Northwest Iowa Producer 

“When I switched to Ralco’s diets, getting weaned pigs started on feed wasn’t the challenge it used to be.” —Central Iowa Producer 

“Fall out pigs were my problem. A Ralco nutritionist came out to my barn and figured out why. Better nutrition and management suggestions made a world of difference.”—Southwest Minnesota Producer 


The Final Question

Let us show you the difference in nutritional services from Ralco. Meet with a Ralco nutritionist for a confidential review of your operation and diets.

Are you ready to get started?

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